Vision Spectrum : Seeing The Elephant
Motion Project
What does it really mean to "see"? After working on a commission project with the cultural and artistic organization for visually impaired people, "Another Way of Seeing," my interest in what it truly means to see was sparked, leading to the Seeing the Elephant project. During the commission work, I realized that for people with visual impairments, seeing involves communicating with the world in new ways through the use of other senses, such as hearing, touch, and smell. This insight enlightened me to develop my understanding to another level and reform my perspective of “truly seeing” that harmony has to be reached by not o nly relying on sight but other senses to fully understand upon perception.
The narration in the artwork is based on the script used during the project to describe an elephant. By using the same script to explore what it means for us to "see," ss the elephant as a way to convey that "true seeing" is not limited to the visual but can also be a creative act that involves other senses.
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